Our mission is to improve the eye health of every person on the planet through 100% natural, clinically proven formulas.

Or select a topic below to find helpful eye health content relevent to you!
How Does Blue Light Affect Your Sleep
By Dr. Kaushal M. Kulkarni, M.D.
The day is done, the kids are asleep, and your favorite show is on in 10. You reach for your cell phone to scroll social media, or open your laptop to get a head start on tomorrow’s tasks. Hours later,...
How Does Blue Light Affect You (and How to Minimize Impact)?
By Dr. Kaushal M. Kulkarni, M.D.
These days, screens and the blue light they emit are pretty much unavoidable. From our smartphones to our computer screens to our televisions, the screens that make our lives infinitely more easy are the same screens that are leading to...
How Does an Active Lifestyle Help Keep Your Eyes Healthy
By Dr. Kaushal M. Kulkarni, M.D.
Most people know that exercise is good for you. From narrowing that waistline to staying healthy, or even just improving your sense of wellbeing, exercise is your friend. And the same goes for your eyes. Indeed, regular exercise coupled with a...
14 Essential Vitamins for Eye Health
By Dr. Kaushal M. Kulkarni, M.D.
It’s incredibly important to provide your eyes with the nutrients they need. After all, once your eyes begin their age-related decline, there’s usually no turning back. Fortunately, it’s simple to incorporate into your diet the most essential vitamins for eye...
Eye Exercises to Improve Vision: Do They Really Work?
By Kaushal M. Kulkarni, M.D.
Is the screen on your digital device looking a little blurrier than usual? Is it getting harder to drive at night? Are the words in your novel a little less clear than you’d like? If so, you may need to...
8 Nutrients That Will Optimize Your Eye Health
By Kaushal M. Kulkarni, M.D.
Eye health is affected by a number of factors ranging from our dietary habits as well as our exposure to things like light or dry environments. Fortunately, there are several clinically proven nutrients that are great for optimizing eye health in...

About Dr. K
A graduate of Columbia University and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, rated the #1 eye hospital in the USA for the past 17 straight years.
Doctor Kaushal Kulkarni, AKA Dr. K, has treated tens of thousands of patients in eye clinics all over the world. After seeing thousands of people suffering from common eye diseases such as macular degeneration, dry eye, and glaucoma, and after seeing the global rise of digital screen use and the effects it has on our eyes and vision, Eyetamins® was finally born.