· By Kaushal M. Kulkarni, M.D.
Eye Exercises to Improve Vision: Do They Really Work?
Is the screen on your digital device looking a little blurrier than usual? Is it getting harder to drive at night?
Are the words in your novel a little less clear than you’d like? If so, you may need to incorporate into your daily routine some eye exercises to improve your vision.
In this article, we take a closer look at the benefits of eye exercises, plus walk you through some simple exercises you can do on our own, at home, beginning right now.
Do Eye Exercises Work?
Do eye exercises really improve your vision? Well…the answer is debatable. Most ophthalmologists agree that eye exercises on their own do not improve your vision. However, these same eye doctors do agree that eye exercises as a supplement to eye surgery, glasses, or contacts can be beneficial.
Most notably, eye exercises can help with eye comfort. As you strengthen your eye muscles, you may find that the discomfort that often accompanies digital eye strain recedes. Though they may not be the best option for vision improvement, when it comes to overall eye comfort, eye exercises do help.
Eye Exercises to Improve Eyesight
Whether or not eye exercises actually improve eyesight may be up for debate, but it is widely accepted that eye exercises at least help with lessening the discomfort that comes with digital eye strain. To strengthen your eye muscles and to keep your eyes feeling comfortable, eye doctors recommend the following six exercises:
Blinking is about as easy as it gets. Consistent blinking keeps your eyes fresh and lubricated, which allows them to focus for longer periods of time. Remembering to blink as you are sitting in front of a screen can greatly reduce the risk of digital eye strain.
Focusing Near and Far
This eye exercise strengthens all the muscles around and behind your eyes. To practice focusing near and far, begin by placing your thumb about 10 inches in front of your face. Focus on your thumb for about 30 seconds, then switch your focus to something else located 10-20 feet further ahead of you than your thumb. After another 20-30 seconds, re-focus on your thumb, and so on.
The Figure Eight
The Figure Eight is an eye exercise that can keep your eye muscles flexible and loose. Practicing The Figure Eight is as simple as imagining a large ‘8’ about 10 feet in front of you, then slowly tracing the imaginary 8 with your eyes. You should trace the 8 in one direction for a full 2-3 minutes before switching directions.
Train your eyes to focus more comfortably with an eye exercise like zooming. To zoom, start with your thumb in the thumb’s up position an arm’s length away. Focus on your thumb while your arm is fully outstretched, then slowly move your thumb back towards your nose, maintaining your focus the whole time. Continue zooming for 3-5 minutes a few times each day.
Around the World
The eye exercise known as Around the World is helpful for avoiding presbyopia -- that is, when the eye muscles’ elasticity begins to deteriorate. If you have presbyopia, you may find it difficult to focus on objects at different distances. You may choose to close your eyes or leave them open when you practice Around the World.
Start by looking up for a full three seconds, then look downward for another three seconds. Look to the right for three seconds, then the left for the same amount of time. Finally, rotate your eyeballs one time in the clockwise direction, then one time in the counterclockwise direction.
Incorporating certain vitamins and nutrients into your diet is the best way to keep your eyes at their healthiest. In addition to eating lots of carrots, leafy greens, and fish, you can add a product like Vitaleyes to your diet. Vitaleyes is loaded with benefits for both your eyesight and your brain. The nutrients-packed vitamin promotes contrast sensitivity, faster visual processing, and better memory. It also supports sleep and helps the eye avoid eye strain.
People Also Ask
1. Is it possible to improve eyesight naturally?
Providing your eyes with the nutrients they need is the best way to enhance your vision and to keep your eyes healthy, and maintain your eyesight. A balanced diet that includes lots of fish, leafy vegetables, and carrots will provide the right antioxidants and vitamin A.
2. Can eye exercises reduce eye strain?
Eye strain is a common side effect of long-term night driving, and/or consistently staring at screens. When your eyes are strained, the muscles around and behind your eyes get very tense. Eye exercises can help loosen and strengthen these muscles, which in turn improves digital eye strain.
3. Do eye exercises actually work?
Though eye exercises are often promoted as a fix-it for failing vision, eye exercises on their own are not likely to improve your eyesight. However, eye exercises can help with things like eye strain and general eye discomfort.
4. Which exercise is best for your eyes?
There are a number of eye exercises that can help strengthen the muscles around your eyes, and which promote overall eye health and comfort. These include blinking, focusing near and far, zooming, palming, and The Figure Eight.
5. How can I improve my eyesight without glasses?
Sometimes, glasses or contact lenses are the only way to really improve your vision. However, if you are hoping to delay the need, there are some things you can do to ensure your eyes are their healthiest. These include making sure you get enough vitamins and nutrients, wearing sunglasses and other protective eyewear, staying fit, and avoiding cigarettes.
Eye exercises are often said to be able to improve eyesight, but things aren’t actually that simple. While eye exercises like palming, zooming, blinking, and focusing aren’t likely to help you see further or more clearly, they can strengthen eye muscles and help to reduce the negative effects of digital eye strain.
Undoubtedly, eye exercises are good for eye health. The best way to improve your eyesight is to maintain a balanced and healthy diet that includes things like carrots and leafy greens. Nutritious vitamins like Vitaleyes can also help to ensure your eyes are receiving all of the right nutrients to keep your vision sharp.

About The Author
A graduate of Columbia University and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, rated the #1 eye hospital in the USA for the past 17 straight years.
Doctor Kaushal Kulkarni, AKA Dr. K, has treated tens of thousands of patients in eye clinics all over the world. After seeing thousands of people suffering from common eye diseases such as macular degeneration, dry eye, and glaucoma, and after seeing the global rise of digital screen use and the effects it has on our eyes and vision, Eyetamins® was finally born.
Our mission is to improve the eye health of every person on the planet by bringing you the world's best natural ingredients that have been proven to improve and protect your eye health at every age.
Dr. Kaushal Kulkarni
Board-Certified Neuro-Opthalmologist
& Founder of Eyetamins
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